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Membership feedback survey

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Moderating Team

The membership feedback survey has now been created and an invitation email sent to all registered members.

Please respect the request not to create feedback threads and to let everyone have their say via the survey. Threads created will be removed.

If you haven't received an email, please send a PM to "committee".

The e-mail you should have received is as follows:

"As mentioned on the Club forum, we'd like to receive feedback on the Club from our subscribed members.

We have therefore created a survey at the following link, which we hope you'll be able to find time to complete.

(Link to survey)

It's key to note that this isn't a "vote", but a request for constructive feedback from the membership at large. It's the first time in the Club's history this has been done, and the more of our members that respond, the more useful the results will be in indicating which areas we can focus our efforts on for everyone's benefit. We therefore hope you'll take part.

We'll leave the survey open until the end of April to give everyone time to provide considered input. The results will be published the week after the survey closes and a discussion thread will be opened at that time.

We'd very much appreciate no feedback threads being started prior to this to allow everyone the chance to provide their own input without undue influence or barracking! Everyone has their say through the survey, and we can discuss it when the results are in.

If anyone has any comments, or has difficulty with the survey, please PM committee via the Club's PM system.

Finally, we'd like to remind everyone again to please let us know if you'll be able to attend the Club's inaugural National Meet by responding to the thread on the forum (
click here).

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

The Club Scuderia Committee "
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