Looking for a red 488GTB. Ideally with black roof, black comfort seats and balance of some Ferrari Power Warranty. PM me if you’re thinking of selling. Budget is probably 2016-2017 model.
Yes I have thanks.have you been able to find one yet?
because I can locate and and provide the car in less than a week
best regards
Mohammed Almani ( private sales agent )
pics pls !!
I think I am going to leave the car as stock because it has such a high spec already and I have had so much insurance hassle when declaring mods that I can't be done with any more of that......I would like to change a couple of small things though - I don't think the headlights are good enough for a £200k car, why don't the mirrors fold automatically when you lock the car and the weird light flashing when you open the front bonnet but not when you lock or unlock the car. Can any of that be changed by a dealer with the right computer?any mods in mind John? If I had a 488, changing the Cats to 200 cell would be the first job, and not so labor intensive as you can do via the wheel arch