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Russ's Cafe Bar

I wish I had a photo of my first car and first motor bike, never took any unfortunately :thumbsdow think we had a camera which took flash cubes on top of the camera:grin:
not like now a days.
Don't normally do politics but just read a story which made me smile just a smidge:

"Nine scientists have glued themselves to the floor of Volkswagen’s Autostadt facility in Germany to protest climate change. Sadly for members of the ‘Scientific Rebellion’ activist group when it came time to close up for the night, VW locked the doors and switched off the lights and heating."

That didn't really go to plan, did it :laugh:
Don't normally do politics but just read a story which made me smile just a smidge:

"Nine scientists have glued themselves to the floor of Volkswagen’s Autostadt facility in Germany to protest climate change. Sadly for members of the ‘Scientific Rebellion’ activist group when it came time to close up for the night, VW locked the doors and switched off the lights and heating."

That didn't really go to plan, did it :laugh:

And they decided to protest in the car company that has put the most money into alternative synthetic fuels - idiots
This used to be such a vibrant spot...
Yep, it certainly was. Maybe a sign of the times with many preferring Facebook and other social media platforms, or perhaps a slightly different demographic owning the cars given the price rises since this place was busy? Not sure really, but we keep this place ticking over as there always seems to be people wanting it to be there and new members joining. It's certainly not as rowdy as it used to be, it's almost dull being a moderator now......... :D
Yep, it certainly was. Maybe a sign of the times with many preferring Facebook and other social media platforms, or perhaps a slightly different demographic owning the cars given the price rises since this place was busy? Not sure really, but we keep this place ticking over as there always seems to be people wanting it to be there and new members joining. It's certainly not as rowdy as it used to be, it's almost dull being a moderator now......... :D
Moderating was never dull in to old days! Not when we had the likes of Steve F, Tea Arse, Bungle and Fraccie...

Interesting notion that the rise on Ferrari prices is changing the demographic on here. That kinda suggests that trouble is caused by poor people! :D:D:D:D:D
Moderating was never dull in to old days! Not when we had the likes of Steve F, Tea Arse, Bungle and Fraccie...

Interesting notion that the rise on Ferrari prices is changing the demographic on here. That kinda suggests that trouble is caused by poor people! :D:D:D:D:D
I remember that crowd, although I was a newbie on here back in those days.

I wasn't really making the link that poor people cause all the trouble, more that I'll bet the average age on here has risen since then. I remember having my own 'disagreements' with the committee and being invited to take a brief holiday from CS ;) . Maybe I'm suggesting that the trouble is caused by younger people, or to be strictly accurate about it, us when we were younger.
I think the biggest change really though is there are fewer and fewer times when we meet up in person. I've organised 6 meets in my time, couple of lunches and 4 airshow car displays, but there doesn't really seem to be the appetite for it any more. I think the fact that on here we don't know as many of each other in person makes a difference.
I can cause some trouble if you like?

There certainly are more people thinking the answer is on facebook! And a massive rise in people running tours, rather than people sorting their own lives out! I joined at the last two welsh tours; epic fun…cost me a respray of the front spoiler!
There are not many of those originals who still own a Ferrari . Though, I who didn't own one, now do and have done so for or 10 years which is around the time the decline of Clubscud started - no connection!
However I am on a few Whatsapp groups which are incredibly busy, particuarly the one I started for the 308GT4 50th anniversay tour I organised last year. Tines change
As someone who has sold one reason was the events weren't as good - as an example I loved the Family Days but it got increasingly hard to get to display to the extent that this year my offers to provide a display did not even get a response - also there's much more fluidity of ownership which is a function of increased prosperity and much less brand loyalty - and the driving itself going to places is much much less fun (partly because the cars are too big and powerful for the roads but also obviously authority...)
Multi-marque clubs seems to be more prevalent, certainly where I am in NE Scotland - to the detriment of things like here and the official FOC. When I was organising FOC runs, we would get 4-6 cars (as much as Aberdeen is a wealthy place, and most Ferraris in Scotland are sold here, we thankfully are a lot quieter than Surrey); a multi-marque club can get 20-odd cars