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While I tend to like older cars I actually quite like that compared to some modern low volume supercars that get churned out these days. Far less fussy design than many.

I do think the price tag of some of these cars is bonkers though. I understand why it’s that high I just find it all a but daft. They have performance you can’t use and often don’t look as good (to my eye) as cars worth a fraction of that. To think for the money you could get a Portofino to nip to the shops, an 812 for those longer trips, a Roma for the times the kids want to come and an F8 for blatting about on country roads and going to the track ……… and still have a heap of change sort of shows just how daft the price tags are. If I had the money, and checking my bank balance it seems I come up a smidge short, I think I’d find something else to spend it on.
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While I tend to like older cars I actually quite like that compared to some modern low volume supercars that get churned out these days. Far less fussy design than many.

I do think the price tag of some of these cars is bonkers though. I understand why it’s that high I just find it all a but daft. They have performance you can’t use and often don’t look as good (to my eye) as cars worth a fraction of that. To think for the money you could get a Portofino to nip to the shops, an 812 for those longer trips, a Roma for the times the kids want to come and an F8 for blatting about on country roads and going to the track ……… and still have a heap of change sort of shows just how daft the price tags are. If I had the money, and checking my bank balance it seems I come up a smidge short, I think I’d find something else to spend it on.

Price tags are pretty logical really.
They simply represent the cost of the design and engineering content, (non recurring costs) divided by the number of cars to be made along with the manufacturing and purchased off the shelf content.

This car has lots and lots of unique to it items unlike our Ferrari’s underneath which are lots of parts found in many other cars. There is of course GMA’s margin on top. But rarity comes as a price as does good quality engineering and design.

Spares will be expensive too as it all a matter of volume at the end of the day.
Price tags are pretty logical really.
They simply represent the cost of the design and engineering content, (non recurring costs) divided by the number of cars to be made along with the manufacturing and purchased off the shelf content.

This car has lots and lots of unique to it items unlike our Ferrari’s underneath which are lots of parts found in many other cars. There is of course GMA’s margin on top. But rarity comes as a price as does good quality engineering and design.

Spares will be expensive too as it all a matter of volume at the end of the day.

Like I said, Mod, I understand why the price tags are so high - it is logical. I just think it’s illogical to pay them :)
Like I said, Mod, I understand why the price tags are so high - it is logical. I just think it’s illogical to pay them :)

In an era where the man begging on the street is wearing a Gucci cap - people at the top of the tree need their exclusivity.

You would be amazed how much that desire runs deep.

We made car recently for a customer who wanted one hard top / one soft top, a reveal at Geneva, us to create some spares and for us to then destroy the tools and designs so no one else could ever replicate the work...

For a few being Uber rich is a serious serious business.
In an era where the man begging on the street is wearing a Gucci cap - people at the top of the tree need their exclusivity.

You would be amazed how much that desire runs deep.

We made car recently for a customer who wanted one hard top / one soft top, a reveal at Geneva, us to create some spares and for us to then destroy the tools and designs so no one else could ever replicate the work...

For a few being Uber rich is a serious serious business.

Everyone is entitled to spend their own money as they wish, don't begrudge them that one little bit. I just think the 'need' for exclusivity as you see it points to a pretty deep seated personality flaw (perhaps flaw is too strong a word....).

At the end of the day if you 'need' expensive bling in order to feel complete/successful/above the rest, then I'd suggest you'll never actually get there. If you find the driving experience is markedly superior to anything more normal and the only way to get that experience is to pay these prices then fair enough........... but I seriously doubt that's often if ever the case, and it's far more about wanting the world to "Look At Me!!"

As I say, don't begrudge them it one little bit, just find it all a little pointless.

If I'm miles off track here, taking your example above, I can see wanting those 2 cars as being bordering on normal, but desperately wanting no one else to be able to have one as well? Not so much.
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In an era where the man begging on the street is wearing a Gucci cap - people at the top of the tree need their exclusivity.

You would be amazed how much that desire runs deep.

We made car recently for a customer who wanted one hard top / one soft top, a reveal at Geneva, us to create some spares and for us to then destroy the tools and designs so no one else could ever replicate the work...

For a few being Uber rich is a serious serious business.

Ignoring the fact that the Gucci cap is probably fake :laugh: I must be the odd man out, as I avoid any designer labelled gear , and wouldnt be seen dead wearing it !! I never fly first class (unless I get given an upgrade) , and am very happy to stay in a cheap hotel when going away, as its just a bed to sleep in. The people I know with lots of money dont flaunt it, and most of the money show off's I have met, turn out to be fakes doing it all on credit. I struggle to understand who the uber rich are trying to impress?? The minions might say wow but do the uber rich care what the minions think ??

The customer who commissioned the car has proved they have more money than sense. If its a one off from scratch then it wont be type approved so is of limited use unless you plan to drive it off road. It wont be driven so why have any spares ??

More to the point Mod, and probably of more interest to people on this forum, what does Murrys latest creation drive like ?
Ignoring the fact that the Gucci cap is probably fake :laugh: I must be the odd man out, as I avoid any designer labelled gear , and wouldnt be seen dead wearing it !! I never fly first class (unless I get given an upgrade) , and am very happy to stay in a cheap hotel when going away, as its just a bed to sleep in. The people I know with lots of money dont flaunt it, and most of the money show off's I have met, turn out to be fakes doing it all on credit. I struggle to understand who the uber rich are trying to impress?? The minions might say wow but do the uber rich care what the minions think ??

The customer who commissioned the car has proved they have more money than sense. If its a one off from scratch then it wont be type approved so is of limited use unless you plan to drive it off road. It wont be driven so why have any spares ??

More to the point Mod, and probably of more interest to people on this forum, what does Murrys latest creation drive like ?

Will have so see how it’s development goes - what on paper / modelled / prototyped so far means it should be great
Ignoring the fact that the Gucci cap is probably fake :laugh: I must be the odd man out, as I avoid any designer labelled gear , and wouldnt be seen dead wearing it !! I never fly first class (unless I get given an upgrade) , and am very happy to stay in a cheap hotel when going away, as its just a bed to sleep in. The people I know with lots of money dont flaunt it, and most of the money show off's I have met, turn out to be fakes doing it all on credit.?

Of course it’s fake but the desire for ‘designer’ gear by the masses means the streets are awash with what were once prestige brands and the same is true of the car market.

I am very similar and rarely wear a label on the outside of my clothing but as I travel and hotel a lot with work - I do occasionally like a very very nice place to stay.

The fakes and show-offs you mention are seemingly everywhere. We have been trying to sell our main UK residence for a couple of years now and it’s just a steady procession of dreamers usually with a new impressionable girlfriend in tow. Sick of seeing em to be honest.

In our business the main motivation for the mega wealth projects are actually the bespoke nature and the special story that goes with it. Murray knows his customers very well because he speaks to their needs and details. With these projects it’s as important to weave a story that can be retold over and over again. Most of the time these cars are virtually mothballed and kept in a way that talking and walking and boring various folk about the car is the actual use case.
Er yes we would love to see what an #uber rich ****#self appointed style guru#legend in his own lunchtime top engineer, has waisted a shed load of money on :laugh:

Would love to post them on here but our business relies on many of these vanity projects and our discretion.

Worth looking at Geneva shows of the past and the darker corners of the halls
I watched this last night….
Thoughts ……
26m ($ or £ can’t remember) alone for US approval so 20% of the 100 car allocation in one line item.
Hardly anyone has spec’d the paddle box (even though it sounds immense) and that cost millions also.
I’m actually surprised at £1.4m each they can turn a profit.
If I was a ultra HNWI I would be all over it along with the T50 as everything he does is an engineering tour de force.

Agree it’s not a looker but also think in the flesh it will look far better and it’s function over form with no silly stick-on carbon bits.

He’s showing them all how it should be done. Can’t believe he’s well into his 70’s also. We’ll done that man.
Also just watched this. Fascinating.

I love the "everything has a function" approach. Reminiscent of the old adage we were taught in that "if it looks right, it probably is right!"

The gearbox piece is interesting, just shows there is demand for being more engaged in the driving experience than people/media would have you believe. I wonder if Ferrari will take note? :hmmm: