Completely forgot to update on the re trimmed dash!
There was some good shrinkage of the leather on the dash and airbag, plus some rubbish repairs.
Sorting the warping on the corners of the airbag was fairly easy; a bit of gentle heat gun and the plastic backing seemed to retain its memory so went back no problems; just slightly nerve racking taking a heat gun to an airbag for the first time. :shocked:
Taking the dash out also gave an opportunity to tidy up the mess of alarms/immobilisers/stereo equipment!!
I also had the door cards partially retrimmed so where the dash flows into the door cards the leather matches. Who knew how many shades of black and grains there are!!!!
Thanks for the recommendation for Dave :thumbsup: He did a great job at a really good price. He also did a soft top bag for me, thanks guys for letting him use your template; much appreciated. These seem to go missing so whilst I won’t use it, I thought I’d get one to complete the car!
Now to resist the temptation to do the rest of it; which whilst looks great, against the new dash...!:hmmm:
Overall I’m really happy. Not a job for the faint hearted but very satisfying.
I will probably get Dave to redo the soft top cover over the winter as the foam in it is deteriorating, and leaves little bits all over the soft top and car, so needs taking apart and new foam put in...bit ocd but hey!!!