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Adrian's 355 musings

So off to Carrs yesterday for its service and MoT. Bright shinny new truck.


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355 came back week before last all serviced and fettled. Passed its MoT no problems.

Service manager said it was the best sounding ferrari he had heard! It did come back with the bypass valve open!!! I think they had been playing.

Some extras done in both rocker cover gaskets replaced as one was weeping and the other threatening. Not cheap but it was dripping onto the exhaust and the smell bothered me!

Now for detailing and tinkering.

Fortunately the car is PPFed, and the grill shows what gets thrown at it. Obviously had to sort this out, Halfords satin black a perfect match!

Next up is the night illumination for the clock!


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Santa accidentally bid on a reg, so spent the past few days fitting them.

Rear was easy, currently on with double sided tape but will also screw it on; the rear does get hot and I did loose the rear plate on my 348 once!

Front was just attached with padded foam with double sides tape; no idea how that stayed on! So a little metal bashing to make a couple of brackets, despite double curvature, fairly easy to make, bit of double sided foam to take up any mismatch and then screwed on!! Just a black cover for the nut to go!


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All packed, car checked over and ready for the first continental trip of this year; just enough space I think for a couple cases of wine!

Time hopefully for some good roads!!


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A good days drive. Bit of a miscalculation on my part, but in Colmar read start exploring Switzerland tomorrow. Came into Colmar on the back roads, some lovely roads and pretty quiet!


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Lucerne, Zermatt now back in France, Beaune, via some of the best driving roads, up in and around Lac De Joux; and a great little road across the boarded


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Just over 1700 miles door to door. Car didnt miss a beat and used hardly any oil. Only minor issue were some squeaky brakes which I will sort this week.

Getting back onto uk roads you realise our best roads arent even as good as the worst french roads, and actually french are way better drivers. Germans and Swiss on the other hand are a bit pushy but can soon be put in their place!!!

Shell in Switzerland sell 100 Premium, and the car sure did love that; but the cost of filling up on the continent isnt cheap anymore!

Now for lots of cleaning etc, and planning for the next adventure!


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