Thanks for all your kind words, much appreciated. A fw more pic's below, again in no particular order. Although I've made many parts on modern machines, no part has been drawn that could not be manufactured on manual machines as available pre-war. In away this helped the design asit prevents you being too extreme.
When scratch building a car you get to a point that looks about 80% complete quite quickly (perhaps 1 year), but its the details that took the time. Below are two photos, one of the gear lever and another of the pulleys that guide the brake cables. Important parts but just small details. Every part of these started as a solid lump of aluminium, steel, wood........ First you draw it, then you machine it, then you assemble it! The gearlever alone took about 3 weeks of spare time, its not my full time job, just a few hours here and there!
The 3rd pic are the brackets that tension the leather bonnet straps, there are 4 off them, each one has 3 unique parts and bolts and washers all machined from solid.